Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year are finally here!! I'm not a resolution-maker because those usually fail. However, I do have a goal and it's not an unreasonable one. By the end of 2009 I had lost over 30 pounds. I lost more than 30, but let's face it, December didn't do anyone's waistline a favor so I have to go back a little bit. Since 2010 is the year I turn 40 (yeehaw!) I have made a goal to lose 40 more lbs. by my 40th birthday. I have just under 40 weeks to do it. I'm still a member of Weight Watchers, attending my weekly meetings and counting points so I'm not starting from scratch here. Anyway, my wonderful husband John has agreed to have the same goal. So, here's to losing 40 lbs by October 4th! Whoo hoo! I'm not going to blog specifics about my weight because I'm just not into the TMI, but I will try to put up at least a monthly update on how we are doing.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to 2010. Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Dropping in to wish you a Happy New Year!!

Phyllis@Aimless Conversation said...

Arrgghh. Tina, I really may need to join you on this adventure. I saw a commercial for WW advertising that there was no joining fee... not sure how long they are doing that though, or even what exactly that means. But Alycia (my youngest sister) is getting married in June and I'd like to be skinny(er) by then. =)

Also, congrats on such great progress!! You've done fantastic and you look great!