Speed scrapping is where you are part of an online chat and instructions are put up one at a time and you do whatever it says: "Pick three pictures. Make one large and two small" "Pick four papers" "Put a flower in one of the corners" and so forth and so on. You never really know what you're going to come up with. I always end up fudging a little bit because sometimes the instructions are just wonky. Since I have a boy not all instructions involving flowers and ribbons really work with him. These are my last two speed scrap pages:
I have a thing for buttons, if you haven't noticed.

Samuel is spending the night with his grandparents tomorrow. He looks forward to it because grandma always watches America's Funniest Home Videos with him. This morning he announced to me that he hadn't seen it in awhile and he was so glad he was going to get to because he "couldn't live without comedy!" After a moment more thought he added, "and chocolate milk!" At least he gets plenty of both around here.
I've suddenly become very interested in photography and I want to figure out what all my camera can do. I doubt it's much, but I need to find the manual around this house somewhere. This may turn out to be quite a search, but I'm sure it'll turn up.
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