Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cuttin' a Rug...

Not sure if you can call it that if you're not actually dancing on carpet....hmm... Anyway, there was no specific event that lead to Samuel's outbreak of joyful dancing. Just an 8-year-old boy diggin' the sound of his flying feet on the laminate floor. Enjoy!


Phyllis@Aimless Conversation said...

Have you always had that floor? Have I been asleep when I visited your house...?!

He's quite a dancer. =)

tinabea said...

We have!! Maybe you didn't notice the floor since it's usually been evening and the lights are low LOL. Or it just could be covered in junk, which is more likely.

thoughts of me said...

LOL Well I just showed Samuel's dancing to Mom and she says he sure is cute!

Does this happen often? Maybe taps shoes for Christmas? lol