I'm a little surprised that I failed to write a single post during the month of January, considering the insane amount of computer time I engaged in. I have little to show for it, except perhaps a fairly decent Geo Challenge score on Facebook. My casual blogging habits mean that between one post and another I completely forget what I'm doing and I always seem to upload my pics in the reverse order that I meant to. Usually I go back and fix it. Tonight, I'm just going to leave them the way they are and deal with it.
These are some pictures from basketball. Samuel has played Upwards soccer for five years now, but this is the first year he wanted to do basketball. I have to say, I think I like it better than soccer. Maybe because it's indoors...maybe because the games are in the afternoons (not a freezing 9:00 am autumn morning) and I get to sleep in still. I think, perhaps, I am also less anxious at the basketball games. Maybe that's because I'm in the toasty indoors and I've had a good night's sleep... not sure, but I think that Samuel is really enjoying it too.
I love this face...

You can tell from the disinterest of the refs that this
in not actually during a game, but I still like the picture...

The other big thing Samuel did in the past month was participate in his school's Science Fair. This was our first experience with a science fair (elementary one, anyway) and I thought Samuel did fabulous. John helped him with all the experimenting and I swooped in to help with the display board. These school projects really do end up being a family affair. All of the different projects at the school were really amazing and gave us a lot of good ideas for next year.
Samuel received a new guitar for Christmas and was
supposed to start his first lesson on Monday. Due to snow, his lessons were canceled. He will be starting lessons this coming Monday and I hope to post a video of him when he learns his first song. Not quite sure how long that will take...
That's it for tonight. Perhaps I'll post again in February, perhaps not. You'll just have to wait and see.