I would be remiss not to mention Miss Katie's Sideboard Restaurant where we ate a couple of fabulous meals. That was some awesome pot roast! They bring a plate of fried onions, sweet potato fries, and fried pickles to every table, which were all wonderful. They also throw the rolls at you, but quite honestly I was too taken with all the fried food on the table to care much about that! The funniest part of our experience at Miss Katie's was the table we sat at for our second meal. It was rigged to turn slowly while you were eating. It turned so slowly that we had no clue it was happening. My in-laws were in on the joke, so they kept suspiciously snickering. I kept looking around to see what was going on (or about to go on) that had them so broken up. Meanwhile, I kept thinking, "Is John drinking my water? How did it get over there?" and I kept pulling my plate closer to me because it seemed to keep getting away. Did I mention how good that pot roast was? I was totally oblivious. There was even a snowman centerpiece on the table that I should have noticed was turning, but I had no clue. In my defense, John and Samuel didn't notice either!
Overall, we had a great time. If you've never been, you should consider it for a weekend of good family fun.
Do they still do the laser show on the side of the mountain?
The moving table would have had me laughing too! Sounds like a good time was had by all.
Ok wait....your table was moving and you did NOT notice this? What were you drinking dear sister! lol Sounds like you guys had an awesome time...glad you got to get away and have some fun.
Phyllis - yes, they still do the laser show. They started a new Christmas one while we were there. It was SO cold that we watched it from the inn, so we didn't see all of it, but enough to get the idea.
Terry - it was VERY slow! Even when I found out what was happening it was difficult to tell if it was still moving, but it was. I wondered how many people got in arguments around that table thinking the people next to them were trying to steal their food! lol
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